It seems natural to think of the world as being made up of “things.” We label objects, people, and experiences to make sense of them. “That’s a tree. This is my body. These are my thoughts.” But when we look closer, something much deeper begins to reveal itself - there are no “things” at all. Everything we see as solid or separate is part of a much larger, ever-changing flow of Life.
Life Without Boundaries
We’ve been taught to see the world in terms of boundaries. We call something a tree, a chair, or a person, and in doing so, we separate it from everything else. But in truth, these labels are just mental shortcuts - they don’t capture the wholeness of what is really happening.
What we call “things” are not fixed, solid, or separate. The tree is not separate from the soil, the sunlight, or the air around it. The same Life that grows the tree flows through everything. There are no boundaries - just Life, moving, unfolding, and expressing itself.
Formless Energy, Always in Motion
When we look deeply, we see that everything is in motion. The body you call “yours” is constantly changing. The cells regenerate, thoughts come and go, breath flows in and out. Even the objects we think of as solid, like a chair or a rock, are made up of formless energy, constantly moving and shifting.
What we perceive as solid or separate are simply temporary expressions of Life’s energy. The idea of “things” is a way for the mind to organise the world, but in reality, there are no fixed forms - only the endless flow of Life, always moving, always transforming.
Letting Go of Labels
The moment we give something a label - a tree, a person, a thought - we create a sense of separation. But these labels don’t get us any closer to understanding the essence of what Life is. Life is beyond words and labels.
When we let go of the need to define everything, we begin to experience the world differently. Life becomes something to experience directly, without dividing it into separate pieces. There are no “things,” no fixed forms - just Life, constantly expressing itself, moment by moment.
You Are Life Happening
The same applies to how we see ourselves. The mind labels the body as “me,” and it builds a sense of identity around this. But when you look closely, you see that there is no fixed “you.” The body is not a static object - it’s always changing, just like everything else. Thoughts, emotions, and sensations arise and dissolve, never staying the same.
You are not a thing, either. You are Life, expressing itself in this moment, just as the tree, the wind, and the sky are expressions of Life. When we let go of the idea of being a separate, fixed self, we see that we are part of the same seamless flow - Life, happening effortlessly.
Resting in the Flow of Life
When we stop identifying with fixed forms and labels, we find a deep sense of ease. There’s nothing to hold onto, nothing to control. Life is already happening, perfectly, without boundaries. Everything that makes up what you call your experience - thoughts, sensations, emotions - is part of this flow, without needing to be labeled or understood.
In this space, we can rest. We don’t need to define or label ourselves, others, or the world around us. We can simply be. There are no “things” - just the boundless, formless energy of Life, unfolding in ways beyond our comprehension, yet so deeply familiar.