Have you ever watched a murmuration of starlings? That swirling, shifting, breathtaking movement in the sky - thousands of birds turning, dipping, and rising together, as if guided by some unseen force. There’s no leader, no grand plan, and yet the whole movement is harmonious, flowing effortlessly as one. It’s a living dance, unfolding without effort, without control.
This is an expression of Life. Not just the birds in the sky but the entire play of existence. From the tiniest grain of sand to the vast galaxies in motion, everything is part of the same seamless flow, happening all by itself. Just like the murmuration, Life moves in ways that defy understanding. Thoughts come and go, emotions rise and fall, bodies constantly changing - all of it happening without anyone making it happen.
What’s incredible is that you, too, are part of this dance. You are not separate from Life, not standing apart, trying to figure it all out. You are Life - expressing, moving, being. Like the starlings, there’s no need for control or direction; everything is simply unfolding in perfect harmony.
It’s easy to get caught up in the story of being an individual - trying to manage, control, or predict where Life is going. But just as the murmuration flows effortlessly in the sky, so too does Life unfold in every moment. It’s not something you have to figure out or control - it’s just happening, as it always has, and always will.
In the stillness of observing the murmuration, we find the same stillness within ourselves. No separation, no “me” controlling anything, just Life - dancing, flowing, living. And in that realisation, everything is seen to be more vivid, more alive. Just like the birds moving as one, we too are part of the same beautiful, unknowable unfolding of Life.
The invitation is simple: let go of trying to lead the dance, and simply move with it. Life is already happening perfectly. Just as the starlings turn and weave through the air, you are part of the same effortless movement. Isn’t that something wonderful to marvel at? I wonder how and where Life will be moving you next...
What a great perspective and insight.