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No Centre, No Periphery

Writer's picture: marcusfellowesmarcusfellowes

For most of us, Life seems to revolve around a centre - a “me” at the heart of experience. From this imagined vantage point, everything else appears to be “out there,” forming a world that is separate, distinct, and other.

But pause for a moment and ask: Is there really a centre? Is there truly a periphery? Or are these just ideas superimposed on what is?

The Illusion of a Centre

The sense of a centre arises naturally. Thoughts like “I am here,” “I see this,” or “I feel that” create the impression of a fixed observer at the centre of everything.

But have you ever looked for this centre?

Where is the “me” that claims to experience the world?

When you search, do you find something solid, something unchanging? Or do you find only thoughts, sensations, and perceptions arising and dissolving, one after the other?

This “me” isn’t a fixed centre. It’s just another appearance within the seamless happening of Life, no more substantial than the clouds drifting across the sky or the sound of the wind.

And if there is no “me” as a centre, who or what is there to “see” anything?

The Illusion of a Periphery

If there’s no centre, what about the periphery - the so-called “world out there”?

Look carefully: is the sight of a tree separate from the seeing of it? Is the sound of a bird outside distinct from the hearing of it? Where does the sensation of touch end and the object being touched begin?

Without the concept of separation, can you find a boundary? Or is this division between “inside” and “outside” just another thought?

What’s left when there is no centre and no periphery? Just this seamless, undivided movement of Life.

No Seer, No Seen

The habit of thinking there’s a “seer” looking out at the world creates the illusion of a split. But can you find this “seer”?

Is there a solid entity behind the eyes doing the seeing? Or is seeing itself simply happening, inseparable from what is seen?

When the idea of a separate seer dissolves, so does the idea of a separate world to be seen. There is no observer and no observed - just this, free of all division and definition.

The Seamless Flow of Life

What we call a “centre” and a “periphery” are just concepts laid over reality. Life itself has no edges, no observer, no separation.

There is no “me” in here experiencing a world “out there.” There is no gap to bridge, no distance to close. Life is simply happening - whole, undivided, and free.

An Invitation to Look

Take a moment to explore:

  • Can you find the centre of this moment? Look closely.

  • Where is the “I” that claims ownership of thoughts and sensations?

  • Without the concept of “inside” and “outside,” is there a boundary anywhere?

What happens when you stop looking for a seer and simply notice that seeing itself is Life, effortlessly happening?

Freedom Beyond Division

The illusion of separation arises when we divide Life into “me” and “not me,” “here” and “there.” But these divisions are entirely conceptual. Life, as it is, knows nothing of boundaries or edges.

Without a centre, there’s no one to carry the burden of control. Without a periphery, there’s no world to grasp or fix.

What remains is freedom - not as a prize to attain, but as the absence of division. Freedom is simply Life being Life, without interference or effort.

No Centre, No Periphery

This isn’t something to figure out. It’s not a practice, a method, or even an understanding. It’s the direct recognition that Life doesn’t need a centre to happen.

So, ask yourself again: Where is the centre of this moment? And when the idea of a centre dissolves, notice what’s left - not as an answer, but as the boundless, edgeless flow of Life itself.

No centre. No seer. No periphery. Just this.




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About Marcus

Marcus, lives a quiet, reclusive life in the English countryside with his wife, Lisa, their two boys, and two dogs. He enjoys countryside walks with the dogs, writing, giving talks and chatting with people who share an interest in exploring Life as it is free from the interpretations of thought.


To seekers he offers this reminder:

"You don’t need to rely on any outside authority, because there’s nothing to fix, nothing to figure out - just stop and notice the effortless unfolding of Life as it is, without relying on the interpretation of thought for the answers.Trust that Life will guide the way - It's got you this far already”

© Marcus Fellowes. All Rights reserved.

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